
Tasmania has not yet joined the SAFEVAC Reporting network.

Please continue to report adverse events via your existing reporting methods. See the table below for contact details in Tasmania.

State Reporting Service Phone Website
Victoria SAEFVIC 1300 882 924 (option 1) SAEFVIC
Western Australia WAVSS (08) 6456 0208 WAVSS
Australian Capital Territory ACT Health Department 02 5124 9800 www.health.act.gov.au
New South Wales Local Public Health Unit 1300 066 055 www.health.nsw.gov.au
Northern Territory NT Department of Health 08 8922 8044 NT AEFI form
Queensland Queensland Health 07 3328 9888 www.health.qld.gov.au
South Australia SA Department of Health 1300 232 272 www.sahealth.sa.gov.au
Tasmania TAS Department of Health 1800 671 738 www.health.tas.gov.au